• F-Block, Vikaspuri, New Delhi-110018
  • 011-45535761
  • info@cecilia.in
Congratulations to Dear Students and Parents for class X and XII 2023-24 CBSE Board Result. | Class XII CBSE Board Exam 2023-24 School Toppers Saksham Arya-97.4%, Mehar Bajaj-96%, Sriza Goel-95%, | Class XII CBSE Board Exam (2023-24), 100% scorers Saksham Arya- Accountancy and Business Studies, Jas Kamra-Computer Science. | Class X CBSE Board Exam 2023-24 School Toppers Sherel Rajput-95.8%, Manan Raheja-95.6%, Avni Kapoor-95.4%. | Admission is open for Class XI 2024-25 session for external students. For admission download the Request letter/Form from the school website. Submit the duly filled form along with the required documents at the school gate. | Admission open for session: 2024-25 – Class – Prep onwards. |

Cecilians Bag I Prize at DILA

Interactors of St. Cecilia’s Public School alongwith talented cecilians made an indelible print at DILA-District Interact Leadership Assembly 2017 on 29th November 2017 at R.M. Arya Girls Senior Secondary School. The participating Cecilians bagged the First Prize for their thematic performance on women empowerment “Musical Yoga”.

The students of the school competed with more than 40 students from all over Delhi and NCR to bring home the first prize. District Governor Rotarian Ravi Choudhary felicitated the proud winners. It was a moment of immense glory and accomplishment as the DILA Trophy for the cultural programme 2017 was handed over to St. Cecilia’s Public School.

Madam Principal and Madam Vice Principal applauded the performance of the students and encouraged them to keep up the good achievements.