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Congratulations to Dear Students and Parents for class X and XII 2023-24 CBSE Board Result. | Class XII CBSE Board Exam 2023-24 School Toppers Saksham Arya-97.4%, Mehar Bajaj-96%, Sriza Goel-95%, | Class XII CBSE Board Exam (2023-24), 100% scorers Saksham Arya- Accountancy and Business Studies, Jas Kamra-Computer Science. | Class X CBSE Board Exam 2023-24 School Toppers Sherel Rajput-95.8%, Manan Raheja-95.6%, Avni Kapoor-95.4%. | Admission is open for Class XI 2024-25 session for external students. For admission download the Request letter/Form from the school website. Submit the duly filled form along with the required documents at the school gate. | Admission open for session: 2024-25 – Class – Prep onwards. |

St. Cecilia's Public School

F Block, Vikaspuri

New Delhi-110018

                                      Ganit Week                                                          


As per the CBSE guidelines to commemorate the birth anniversary of Shri. Srinivasa Ramanujan and to actively promote interest of students in mathematics and its application our school organized the various activities.

Essay Writing Competition: On 17th December, 2014 Essay writing competition was organized for the classes VI – VIII.

Topics for the essay were:

Class VI: Mathematics is a great motivator as it goes from zero to infinity

Class VII: Application of mathematics in our daily life

Class VIII: Mathematics is the backbone of our material civilization

Students enthusiastically participated in the competition. Students were excited to express their views on the same. The creativity of the students was displayed through their thought provoking essays. They surprised everyone with their vast knowledge on the subject. Best three essays were selected from each class and the students were appreciated for their good efforts.

Mathematics Quiz: On 18th December, 2014 Maths Quiz for Class XI was held from 1 pm to 2 pm. Written questionnaire was given to students for selection of teams. Three teams were selected and were named as

Team A                 Aristotle                              

Team B                 Aryabhatta                        

Team C                Leibnitz

The quiz basically aimed at testing the analytical abilities of all the participants through four main rounds.

First round was warm up round and the second round ‘Guess who’. Third round was visual and logical round. In the last round, rapid fire round, each team gave instantaneous answers to maximum number of questions within two minutes. This tested their speed as well as their listening skills.

Rubik Cube Competition: On 18th December, 2014 Rubik Cube Quiz was held from 10.30 a.m. to 11.40 a.m.  20 students from Class IX participated in competition.  In first round out of 20, five were selected who completed the Rubik Cube Quiz within 3 minutes.

In the second round all the five winners of 1st round participated in which Bhavishya of IX D was able to complete Rubik Cube Quiz in 57 seconds and emerged as winner.

Workshop on Vedic Maths: On 19th December, 2014Workshop on Vedic Mathematics was conducted by students of class XI.  Vedic Mathematics is becoming increasingly popular as more and more people are introduced to the easy vedic methods.  Gurtej and Raghav presented how vedic mathematics can be used to find square of numbers and to multiply two digit, three digit numbers.  Students of class X were eager to learn methods and participated in the discussion.

Poster Making Competition: On 19th December,2014 Students of class IX participated in the poster making competition. The topic was to make either of the following.

(1)    Poster on geometrical shapes and designs.

(2)    Games (with pictures and rules)

The competition was conducted in the first three periods in the activity hall on the ground floor. Students from all the four sections took part in the competition. Students actively participated in the same and made beautiful posters.

Origami Competition: On 22nd December, 2014 Origami Competition was organized for the classes VII-VIII.

Topics: Depict a scene using at least four articles made out of origami sheets.

Students enthusiastically participated in the competition. Students were excited to express their skills for the same. The creativity of the students was displayed through their intricate articles made using origami sheets. They surprised everyone with the various scenes depicted as space, ocean, garden, Christmas etc. Best three entries were selected from each class and each section. The students were appreciated for their good efforts.

Principal Madam appreciated and motivated the students in their efforts to make GANIT WEEK a success.