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Congratulations to Dear Students and Parents for class X and XII 2023-24 CBSE Board Result. | Class XII CBSE Board Exam 2023-24 School Toppers Saksham Arya-97.4%, Mehar Bajaj-96%, Sriza Goel-95%, | Class XII CBSE Board Exam (2023-24), 100% scorers Saksham Arya- Accountancy and Business Studies, Jas Kamra-Computer Science. | Class X CBSE Board Exam 2023-24 School Toppers Sherel Rajput-95.8%, Manan Raheja-95.6%, Avni Kapoor-95.4%. | Admission is open for Class XI 2024-25 session for external students. For admission download the Request letter/Form from the school website. Submit the duly filled form along with the required documents at the school gate. | Admission open for session: 2024-25 – Class – Prep onwards. |

St.Cecilia’s Public School

Workshop: Health and Hygiene by P & G 



A workshop was conducted by Proctor and Gamble Health Care Limited for the girls of classes VI-VIII on 18th November’14 in the school premises.  It focused on hygiene program for young girls so that they can easily cope with the changes they go through their age with confidence and accepting right hygiene practices. It was told by the resource person that good personal hygiene is one of the most effective way to protect ourselves from illness. It not only enhances our appearance but it is directly related to preventing diseases.

It also focused on various taboos and stigma related to mensuration like if we touch pickles during our periods, they will go rotten. It was emphasized that such restrictions are mere superstitions and should not be practiced by younger generation of our country.

Young girls were also told about the importance of proper disposal of sanitary napkins as it is mostly done in a wrong manner. They should not be disposed off in the toilets and flush tanks.

Overall, it was an informative workshop which reflected that periods are normal and must be treated as reflector of our body’s proper functioning and readiness for our future role as mothers.