Winner of Spell Bee Competition
Punya Malhotra of class VII (2019-20) is an extremely bright child who has illuminated the name of St. Cecilia’s Public School with her great accomplishment in the Spell Bee Competition organized by Humming Bird Education Ltd. The competition follows the pattern of multiple choice questions based on spelling. English language, grammar and intelligence based questions. The second level of the event was conducted in January 2020.
Punya Malhotra has bagged second rank at the coveted National Level. She along with her parents was called to the school and honoured. Madam Principal congratulated her and gave away the prizes – fabulous photographs were clicked to create memories of the event. It was a moment of great honour for the school and her parents to witness her growth.
We wish her the heartiest congratulations on this wonderful achievement. May she continue to shine and prosper!