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Congratulations to Dear Students and Parents for class X and XII 2023-24 CBSE Board Result. | Class XII CBSE Board Exam 2023-24 School Toppers Saksham Arya-97.4%, Mehar Bajaj-96%, Sriza Goel-95%, | Class XII CBSE Board Exam (2023-24), 100% scorers Saksham Arya- Accountancy and Business Studies, Jas Kamra-Computer Science. | Class X CBSE Board Exam 2023-24 School Toppers Sherel Rajput-95.8%, Manan Raheja-95.6%, Avni Kapoor-95.4%. | Admission is open for Class XI 2024-25 session for external students. For admission download the Request letter/Form from the school website. Submit the duly filled form along with the required documents at the school gate. | Admission open for session: 2024-25 – Class – Prep onwards. |

Stream Selection Workshop for classes IX and X


The School organized a workshop on stream selection for Class-IX and X students on 16th May 2017 in 2 different batches. The resource person Mr. Anubhav was from Pratham.

He made students aware of different world of work, areas of interest, areas of ability and options available after Class-XII in specific stream chosen in XI.

Mr. Anubhav paid lot of emphasis on the specific style of choosing interested field/stream that is humanities, Commerce (with/without Maths) and Science (Medical/Non Medical).

So for choosing a field a specific method students can use is-

(1)             Selection

(2)             Elimination

Sometimes our selections & elimination of stream can have effect of few things like

(1)             Comparison

(2)             Herd Mentality

(3)             Social Status

(4)             Expectations

Later, he emphasized in his last segment that how students can apply for Foreign Universities. Now to save their time later as score entrances are valid  for 5 good years.

So to apply in foreign universities students need good academic record, co-curricular certificate, international  entrance exam score, NGO & Social work certificate.

So over all he gave in depth information regarding the career opportunities & the related streams.